Manufacturar And Consultant Of Pollution Control DevicesWorldwide |
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Head Office.
550, Urban Estate,Sector-39, Near Chandigarh Road,
Ludhiana 141010,
Punjab (INDIA.) |
+91-161- 5028400, 5028300 |
info@varuneco.com |
Water Treatment Plant
The high rate of population growth and urbanization are two major factors which compel the optimum use of scarce fresh water resources. This has compelled us to provide solutions for residential, commercial, and industrial water treatment plant and conditioning systems. Our industrial water treatment plants are made of stainless steel that uses high quality and safe equipment with automatic control and low treatment cost. Our water treatment plants are customized to processes such as ultraviolet treatment, bromination, iodination, and radial flow iron reduction. This in turn increases our ability to meet specialized needs.
Our water treatment plant has the following advantages:
» No surplus sludge
» Intensive biological treatment
» Submerged fixed film process
» Increase capacity
» Treat wastewater treatment of different concentrations
Reverse Osmosis Plant
Reverse Osmosis is used to purify water and remove salts and other impurities in order to improve the color, taste or properties of the fluid. It can be used to purify other fluids such as ethanol, glycol etc. At Varun Eco Treatment Equipments Pvt. Ltd., our Reverse Osmosis Plant incorporate all of the components and instrumentation required for operation, as well as the versatility to adapt to specific customer requirements. We use of high quality reverse osmosis membrane elements that ensures flawless operation.
Our Reverse Osmosis Plant have the following advantages:
Advantages of our ETPs
» Actively rejects ions and contaminants
» roduce water that meets the most demanding specifications
» Allow the membrane to continually clean itself
» Higher pressure from the pump to push the fluid through the membrane
» Capable of rejecting bacteria, salts, sugars, proteins, particles, dyes, and other constituents
» Works in various molecular weights