About Varun Eco Treatment Equipments Pvt. Ltd.

Varun Eco Treatment Equipments Pvt. Ltd. is promoted by professional Engineers in the year 2000, undertaking Design, Fabrication, Supply, Erection & Commissioning of Water & Waste Water Treatment Plants, Water Treatment Process Plants and Air Pollution Control Systems. Over the past decade SEPL has made a marked impact on various industries specially in northern region by installing Water Treatment Process Plants & Waste Water Treatment Plants against specific requirement.
Water & Waste Water Treatment Plant has been executed utilizing the following Treatment Operations & Processes such as :
- Physio Chemical Treatment comprising Clariflocculation, Filtration & Disinfection of river water, chemical dosing of coagulants & flocculents followed by flotation, precipitation for industrial effluents.
- Suspended Growth Bio-Reactors using single stage conventional, innovative approach to bio-treatment by combination of high rate & extended aeration systems and two / multi stage high rate systems with biological treatment etc.
- Fixed Film Aerobic Bio-Reactors Bio Filters ( Trickling Filters) using both natural and plastic media at low and h
igh loading rates.
- Rotating Biological Contractors (RBC) Rotating disk fixed film reactors such as RBC. Designs available in both mechanically driven & hybrid versions which use air power for rotating the disks as well as providing aeration.
- Anaerobic Bio- Reactors. both fixed film and suspended growth systems.
- Sludge Thickening and De-Watering using gravity thickeners with and without aid of polymers, dissolved air flotation chemical conditioning, de-watering on belt press, plate and frame / chamber filter's press, vacuum filter, centrifuges etc.
- Tertiary Treatment of Waste Water using dis-infection with chlorine, Filtration by pressure / rapid gravity sand filters with single or dual / multi media & activated carbon filtration followed by membrane separation & exchange resin for effluent re-use.
Quality Managment System
